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Aculife adalah produk terbaru yang sangat luar biasa dari Tianshi, produk ini berguna untuk mendeteksi penyakit didalam tubuh manusia, sekaligus menyembuhkannya. Alat ini dengan cerdas akan menunjukkan titik saraf dari bagian tubuh yang terkena penyakit. Bentuknya sangat portable dan mudah digunakan, sehingga setiap orang dengan mudah bisa mendeteksi penyakitnya sendiri.... Informasi selajutnya silahkan klik disini

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How Healthy? Adob Style Dining People of Bamboo curtains  

The people of the bamboo curtain that regardful affairs patterns of living and eating healthy and balanced. They are rarely exposed to diseases such as Obesity and kardiovaskular most western people. What's the secret?

Have you ever notice how people eat Chinese? what food they normally eat? what makes them stay healthy and avoid illness?

Most people are afraid of food, Chinese food is concerned they are the monosodium glutamat (MSG) and copious that they also do not like cooking, the cuisine is not fully cooked.

Ethnic-Chinese cuisine is known to use many tasted sense, until-until the symptoms of diseases that arise as a result most of MSG-called Chinese Restaurant Syndrom (CRS).

But do not see from the MSG it, we can replicate the pattern of eating Chinese people from the other. Even Lorraine Clissold, author of the book 'Why the Chinese sinker Calories Count' as quoted Monday (17/8/2009) states that the pattern of eating Chinese people are very healthy.
Lorraine refers to a study that says that people consumed China only 30 percent of calories compared to other countries and it will only increase the body weight of less than 20 percent.

What's the secret?

1. Vegetables more precious than any
For the Chinese, is all vegetables. Vegetables with the same value of meat. If you are selected, they will choose vegetables rather than meat, although the price of vegetables increased the times. Vegetables they usually eat more meat than porsinya or even rice.

2. Use the principles of'5 mug '
People in China consumed food container different. They believe that separate the food from one another can control their body weight. Usually they separate the food bowl with a different, according to the type of food or taste (sweet, salty, sour, bitter, spicy).

3. Thinking 'Yin and Yang'
The principle of Yin and Yang principles into a pattern of living and eating them. Food-food 'Yin' is the food and steamed to give effect calm, while food 'is' is usually food that can be burned and body heat. They rarely consumed food is fried. With the principles of Yin and Yang, they sure eat will balanced pattern.

4. Hot tea
consumed warm tea will help the process of decomposition of fat in the body. They avoid cold tea because according to them it will increase the risk of Obesity and body weariness.

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5 Causes Bald Problems  

Bald is one of the common problems that occur on the hair. This problem can occur in women or men, but many occur on usualy is men. Bald problem usually begins with the hair that is easy to fall off and broken. Hair fall is usually the start of head and the longer the back, causing kebotakan in the front of the head. However, in some people who have experienced it in the middle kebotakan hair. There are many factors that could cause bald, some of which may be can not be controlled. Here are some of the causes of bald, as quoted from eHow, Friday (14/8/2009):

1. Transcription factors, the American Academy of Family Physicians states that the cause of kebotakan the most common factor was that the offspring. If parents have bald, then one of the children who have experienced kebotakan also.
2. Hormones are not balanced, it kebotakan because that is not balanced hormones such as androgens and estrogens, or not too actively tiroid gland. This hormonal condition can be corrected with the doctor and treatment.
3. Effects after surgery, American Academy of Family Physicians says that bald, sometimes going three or four months after undergoing major surgery. However, after some time away hair can grow back.
4. The influence of drugs, some medications such as blood pengencer, treatment for bone, and chemotherapy drugs can cause hair antidepresi ideas that can trigger bald.
5. Due to fungus infection, fungus infections that occur in the scalp can cause kebotakan, should be treated with anti-fungus medicine or consult with a skin doctor.

There are many ways you can do to prevent the occurrence of bald, except for certain factors that can not be prevented. To prevent kebotakan follow the following steps:

1. Start your morning with a healthy foods and balanced. With healthy foods, will provide nutrition that can protect the scalp and hair follicle. Foods that contain high protein is good for hair and nail growth.
2. Try to consume more water white. Water is one of the fluid needed by the body including hair, because the scalp will be more healthy if many of the white water into the body.
3. Consumed multivitamin. Especially those containing nutrients such as beta karoten that is very important in hair growth and care.
4. Drink vitamin B complex because it contains high protein is good for hair, nails and skin. If the skin healthy, it will make the skin become more healthy, so avoid bald, and encourage hair growth.

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