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A cup of Espresso Coffee Day, Can Ruin Heart  

For you lovers of espresso, please be careful. A recent study in Italy shows, consume a glass of espresso a day turned out to have damaging effects of heart. The scientists found a cup of this caffeine-rich drinks, can reduce the supply of blood flow to the heart by 22 percent, in just one hour after consumption. In a research report published in European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, noted the high level of caffeine found in espresso adverse impact cardiovascular health.

The popularity of espresso drinks as has increased sharply in the UK in recent period last year, in line with the emergence of a variety of coffee offered. However, this drink too much at one time known to be dangerous. In 2007, the experts issued a warning after a 17-year-old girl was rushed to hospital due to overdose from eating espresso. Jasmine Willis, from County Durham, suffered from heart disease, fever and hyperventilating after drinking seven double espressos while working. Depart from this case, the Department of Health and recommends that people do not drink more than five cups of espresso in one day.

When compared with a cup of instant coffee contains only 75mg of caffeine, an espresso in the cup contained about 107 milligrams of caffeine. Meanwhile, filter coffee contains a little more, which is about 120 mg per cup. A recent study conducted by the University of Palermo in Italy, seeing the condition of the blood flow of 20 adults who consume a single espresso and a no. To find out, they are tested by looking at the widening of blood flow. Healthy blood vessels will be stretched open and let the blood pass more easily. While the blood vessels less flexible unhealthy and restrict blood flow to the heart.

The result, within one hour after consuming the espresso, the participants' blood flow was reduced by an average of 22 percent. But when the participants drank decaffeinated coffee, there is little or even no change at all. Blood pressure also rose significantly after a normal espresso but not with the usual caffeine. In a report on their findings, the researchers said it was unclear whether the short-term effects on the heart is balanced by the fact that coffee also contains antioxidants in the fight against disease.

Although this study highlights that the coffee has the potential to cause adverse effects. However, other studies showed once-daily coffee consumption can reduce almost half the risk of a dangerous cancer that affects the mouth and throat. While other evidence mentioned the coffee consumed three times a day can reduce the risk of Alzheimers disease.

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