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Smile Wide and You Will Live Long  

The secret to a happy life and live longer, it is not as difficult as you imagine. You just have to smile. Your smile wider and deeper creases around the eyes when you smile, it will be the longer you will live. This conclusion is in can be Michigan psychologist who analyzed 230 photos of major league baseball players United States, who began playing before the year 1950. The photos are then grouped by their smiles, and with due regard to statistical data such as year of birth, body mass index, marital status and long careers, which reflects the physical fitness.

The players are considered "no smile" if their eyes fixed on the camera only when photographed. Categorized as "half smile" if only the muscles around the mouth are involved in their smiles. While so-called "smiles" when her mouth, eyes and cheeks go up again when they smile. The results show, the players who entered into the category of not smiling, on average, can only survive for 72.9 years. Those who have partial or half-smile smile died at the age of 75 years on average, while a player with a big smile, can live to old age with a median age of 79.9 years.

"As far as the intensity of the smile reflects the underlying emotional attitude, the results of this study are congruent with other studies showing that emotions have a positive relationship with mental health, physical health and longevity," said the researchers. Researchers said it was unclear whether the baseball player smile or grimace spontaneously because under the command of a photographer. But that would in any case, very few individuals who smiled broadly than by individuals who just smiled at little or no smile at all. This suggests to researchers that even if the smile was not based on demand, the intensity of the smile reflects the nature or character traits. So that it can be concluded, if you want to live long and happy life smile wide.

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