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Healthy Diet Prevent Alzheimer's  

Currently more than millions of people around the world claimed to suffer from Alzheimer's disease. Several types of treatments available only help to overcome some of the symptoms of Alzheimer's, but not therapeutic. Because not yet found a cure for this disease, so prevention is key, especially for those who have entered old age.

Diet and maintaining a diet with nutrient-rich foods have proven to great effect against Alzheimer's disease. Based on the results of their research showed that consuming foods such as olive oil, nuts, fish, poultry and fruits and vegetables, 40 percent lower risk of Alzheimer's disease.

"Diet may be the easiest way to change the risk of disease," said Dr. Yian Gu, researchers from Columbia University in New York who has published research findings in the Archives of Neurology.

In this study, the research team collected information on eating healthy than 2148 people in New York, U.S., who are over 65 years. Every 18 months, they were examined to determine the risk of Alzheimer's disease. After a four-year study period, 253 participants are known to suffer from Alzheimer's disease, which can not be cured.

A diet is suspected as the cause. They are free from this disease is to eat more often as a mixture of olive oil in salad dressing, fish, tomatoes, poultry, green leafy vegetables such as broccoli and fruits, and rarely eat red meat and high fat foods.

"Those who most embraced this diet, 40 percent decreased risk of Alzheimer's disease compared with others," said Gu as quoted from the Telegraph.

The research team also studied the high-nutrition food groups that have been shown to relate to the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Some foods like saturated fatty acids in red meat and butter is the kind of food that they need to be avoided. While foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, Omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin E, vitamin B12 and folate, known to be very beneficial for the brain.

Gu Yian said diet probably works in two ways. Rich in heart healthy foods, possibly protecting the brain from a stroke that could make it more susceptible to Alzheimer's disease. But perhaps also because the nutrients contained in food, such as omega-3 fatty acid folic acid and antioxidants - straight to work to protect the brain.

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