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Aculife adalah produk terbaru yang sangat luar biasa dari Tianshi, produk ini berguna untuk mendeteksi penyakit didalam tubuh manusia, sekaligus menyembuhkannya. Alat ini dengan cerdas akan menunjukkan titik saraf dari bagian tubuh yang terkena penyakit. Bentuknya sangat portable dan mudah digunakan, sehingga setiap orang dengan mudah bisa mendeteksi penyakitnya sendiri.... Informasi selajutnya silahkan klik disini

Business Oportunity

Getting Rid of Fat With Chili  

Scientists have found a new alternative for those wishing to lose weight. Eating chilies is believed to be able to help you lose weight by increasing metabolism and burning fat. Heat generated by the chilies been able to increase the use of calories and "oxidize" the layer of fat. Scientists were initially interested in the ability to make chili in a sweaty body, believed that these findings may help dieters who want to streamline their bodies.

As for you who do not like spicy flavor, not to worry, because the researchers also found a type of pepper called dihydrocapsiate (DCT), together with the main content of capsaicin, but with a flavor that does not bite. In their study, researchers from the University of California, recruited 34 men and women who are willing to consume low-calorie liquid diet for 28 days.

Research led by Dr. David Heber then randomly select the participants for taking supplements containing chilli DCT and empty pill. Existing data provide strong evidence, at least several hours after consuming these types of meals, the body's energy expenditure increased significantly in the group who consumed a supplement with high content of DCT. The difference is even doubled, if compared with the group who consumed an empty pill.

They are also able to show that DCT significantly increase fat oxidation, and encourage more use of body fat as fuel. This can help a person lose weight, especially when they consume foods low in calories by increasing metabolism. The plan of Dr. Heber and his research team will present their findings at the annual Experimental Biology conference.

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