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Katy Perry, Named As Sexiest Women and Talented  

Russell Brand should be proud to have as his girlfriend Katy Perry. Because, recently, Katy crowned as the hottest female adult male magazine. Based on a list of 100 sexiest women Maxim magazine, Katy managed to beat the other hot girls like Megan Fox, Rihanna and Kim Kardashian.

According to Maxim magazine, 'singer' I Kissed a Girl 'was, was chosen because of its sexiness and talent. This 25-year-old singer, was known for its unique style dressed, sexy, girly and sometimes a little wild. In look he claimed not to be influenced by the taste of others or their ideas and latest trends. He preferred to create his own style, because she knows what looks good on her body.

Katy was also considered as a best friend figure for men. Because of this reason that tried to set forth on the magazine pages. In her bikini, which appear sensual Katy teaches the men to play with a skateboard and a good whistle.

Ten other women who fall into the list of sexiest women Maxim magazine is Brooklyn Decker, Zoe Saldana, Blake Lively, Megan Fox, Rihanna, Elisabetta Canalis, Olivia Munn, Kim Kardashian and Marisa Miller. Meanwhile, Olivia Wilde, who last year was in the cover page and first position, is now ranked 20th.

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